Resolving The ITunes Assistant Popup Registry Error Message

I ran iTunes for quite a while with out incident. Then I received the following error message
The registry settings used by the iTunes drivers for importing and burning CDs and DVDs are missing.
This can happen as a result of installing other CD burning software. Please reinstall iTunes. Then I got an ok button.

So what did I do then you ask? I uninstalled iTunes and reinstalled iTunes again. Did it work? If it had would I be righting this article? Of course not. I let it go for quite a while until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I twittered and I didn’t receive any answers. I assumed no one knew. So I searched until I found the answer. So, if this error message keeps haunting you, this article can help you fix this. I hope this works for you as it did for me. Let me say something before we begin. If you are an intermediate PC user you can do this. If not don’t try it. We at VIP Conduit offer no tech support for this so pleas do this at your own risk.

1. Do a search for a file called
on your C drive
2. Right click and arrow up to install. Press enter to install the file.
3. Reboot the computer
4. ITunes should be working without the error, I hope, it worked for me!!!!!!
Good luck to you all.
Big r.

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Updated on ... February 24, 2015