Creating And Responding To Forum Messages

If you wish to receive a forum by e-mail locate the forum you want and click on it. Then follow the steps below.

1. Tab or use your links key to locate the Mail All Traffic choice.

2. Press Enter, you'll notice it will change to Stop Mailing Traffic. This is a toggle and simply switches back and forth. It will always read the opposite of what it's set to.

Creating A New Thread In Any Forum

1. Navigate to the bottom of the rooms page and locate Site Functions, press Enter.

2. You will be placed at the top of the Site Functions page. Press the tab key once and you should be on the Enter Forums choice, press Enter.

3. Use your H key to locate the Heading you want.

4. Now tab or use your links key to locate the forum you want, press enter.

5. Tab or use your links key to locate the Create New Thread choice and press Enter.

6. Tab to the Subject box. Note: Depending on your settings you may need to press enter on the box to open forms mode.
If you are unable to type your subject in the box you'll know you need to press enter to open forms mode.

7. Fill in your subject and then tab to the message box.

8. Type in your message and then tab to post message and press enter.

Note: Since you're receiving the forum by e-mail you can ignore the Track Thread check box.

You should be able to find a message telling you that your message was posted successfully.

Replying To A Message

1. Open the forum message and read it. At the bottom of the message you'll find the following message with a link just below it.
To reply to this message please use the following link:
Click on the link.

2. One of the following will happen. If you are not currently logged in you will be taken to the Login page. If so, then complete the process.

3. If currently logged in you will find yourself on a forums page where you may post a reply. Locate The reply box, which says, Enter New Message Here.

4. After entering your reply tab to Post your message and press enter.

Note: Make sure your message is talking about the topic stated in the Subject box.
If not, you need to create a new thread so that others will know the topic has changed.

Created on ... March 23, 2020