Blindness and Low Vision Services Links

AIRA Instant Access
Explore your World as never before. Special glasses allow you to connect with a trained, sighted agent for on the spot assistance.

Essentially Braille
Offers a reasonably wide variety of Braille services.

Good Maps
GoodMaps requires no infrastructure or Bluetooth beacons in a building. Others install dozens of beacons, which are costly and require maintenance. By utilizing LiDAR and image recognition, we provide fast and accurate maps of indoor spaces at a fraction of the effort and costs. Note the app for the phone is called Good Maps Explorer.

Medication Management For People Who Are Visually Impaired
This site offers Tips for low vision medication organization and storage, Medication safety tips and dosage information, Reminder and scheduling advice, Strategies to discuss with your physician and pharmacist to make medication management easier And much more

Perkins Academy
Next-level know-how for educators who teach children with disabilities Today’s most complex learners need personalized instruction. The educators at Perkins School for the Blind have put their proven expertise and hands-on classroom techniques into Perkins Academy so teachers everywhere can help students with disabilities everyday.

Vision Tech Academy
A resource dedicated to helping you locate educators trained and qualified to work with Blind and Visually Impaired students.

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